same line and go according to the image and values that the brand wants to transmit. It should also be examined that they are all complete and have a profile and cover image, as would be the case with Facebook, for example; a username, a Clipping Path description, the link to the brand website and that it is a verified account. 2. Detect the best posts In each account of each of the social networks that are being used, those publications that have had a higher level of interaction should be searched . Then you should find out what these publications have in common, if they are videos or photos,
if the public tends to interact whenever a specific topic is dealt with... Although it is not about always publishing the same type of content, since this could bore the audience, knowing what they want or what they are interested in can give clues about what to publish. It will also allow you to know which publications are not interesting and are expendable, since the time spent on them can be used for those that are really going to generate engagement . 3. Determine the profile of the buyer person and the commercial objectives Before creating content,
the profile of the buyer person and the commercial objectives must be determined, since it is the only way to be able to provide information that is interesting and attractive to the public that you want to attract . 4. Evaluate the performance of each social network The audience found on Instagram is different from what can be found on TikTok or Pinterest, so the performance of each of these social networks will also be different. Those social networks that really serve to reach the target audience should be located and the metrics of each of them should be analyzed ,